What Are Neutral Colors. Follow the suggestions of paint chip families to. Neutral colors can be defined as those colors to which you can't give a definite color name.
A neutral color is defined as being a color of very low saturation, close to Color schemes are used to create style and appeal. By definition, a neutral color is not warm or cool, so in theory, neutral colors are meant to work with any other color — and just like decorating your home in neutral colors allows you to change your accent pieces at a whim, neutral shoes allow you to pair them with nearly. Neutral colors help to put the focus on other colors or serve to tone down colors that might otherwise be overpowering on their own.
The best description of neutral is natural, with these colors.
See more ideas about Color pallets, Neutral colors, Sepia.
But first… What are neutral colors? Neutrals are colours that are not part of the rainbow (brown, grey, black, white, beige etc) but we do use many colour as neutrals (navy, olive, burgundy). Neutral color appears where the shadows fall on white.